January 31, 2013

Day 31.

well, here we are!  the end of january.  and in the vein of my 2013 mantra (focus more, worry less), here are snippets of the month's worth of choreographic ideas for one piece.

resolution 2013 from jaema joy on Vimeo.

conveniently, you can see the actual finished* piece at steps on broadway on saturday, february 2nd!  don't miss out!

so, what did i learn?  two things.

one, it's totally freeing to imagine any number of ideas for one piece, but it makes capping the ideas really difficult.  and therefore i felt a strange sense of sadness after we completed the material in rehearsal.   which reminded me of this:

"The development of an imagined piece into an actual piece is a progression of decreasing possibilities. . . Finally, at some point or another, the piece could not be other than it is, and it is done. That moment of completion is also, inevitably, a moment of loss -- the loss of all the other forms the imagined piece might have taken."   
          - David Bayles & Ted Orland in their book Art & Fear

so at least i'm not alone in this feeling!

two, it's really difficult to focus for that long on one thing! i found myself more aware of the inspiration i find in everyday life - i had different ideas on my mind, different rhythms i was inspired by, and by the act of focusing, i was able to not only create what i was focusing on, but i was more mindful of what else was happening around it.  pretty cool.

*i mean, it's never really finished.  but it's ready for a first staging. :)

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful...
    I am so sorry i am unable to see your showing this weekend, Jaema, but I love this video compilation. Thanks for sharing your progress and your movement (and the inside of your apartment).
